The Flow Hive® has revolutionised the beekeeping industry worldwide
The method of taking care of bees and conducting hive inspections is exactly the same as other beehives. The difference is in the way the honey is harvested through the amazing invention of the Flow® Frames.
Bee Inspired is proud to be a Certified Flow Ambassador of the internationally patented Flow Hive.
The Flow® system is a whole new way of extracting honey from Langstroth-style European honeybee hives.
The revolutionary Flow Frames were invented by father and son team Stuart and Cedar Anderson in Australia. Their patented Flow Frame technology is the most significant advancement in beekeeping since 1852. It is now possible to simply turn the Flow Key and watch as pure, untouched, unprocessed fresh honey flows right out of the hive and into your jar.
The Flow Frames are made from BPA- and BPS-free food grade plastic, manufactured in Australia, on which the bees build their comb.
When you insert the Flow Key and split the honey cells, gravity does the rest of the work, and the honey simply flows into the trough, through the tube and into your jar.
Through education, workshops, mentoring, and beekeeping equipment, we are making it easier and more accessible for everyone in our community to make a difference in helping our natural environment flourish.
Watch this 5 minute video about the Flow Hive® story:
For more on the actual harvesting process, watch co-inventor Cedar at work in his own backyard.
If you are like us and are interested in the full story of the Flow Hive revolution, watch this episode of Australian Story.

Bee Inspired is proud to be a Certified Ambassador of the Flow Hive®
All our honey, honeycomb and wax at Bee Inspired is produced by our bees using the Flow Hive as their home. The methods of caring for bees are no different to other methods. It is just the honey harvesting which is unique.
At Bee Inspired we sell the Flow Hive 2+ across the Kiama LGA in NSW, Australia. The Flow Hive 2+ has some additional features which make the beekeeping job even easier. You can learn more here.
If you are interested to purchase a Flow Hive, contact Rachael and she can answer any questions, help you decide on a hive location at your property and arrange for the purchase, delivery and assembly of the Flow Hive 2+.